User stories

Sometimes we have use cases or users who we are particularly proud and happy to have and support. It could be a use case or user we find very creative, smart or forward thinking. It could also be feedback we’ve been really delighted to receive. Below are a few examples of such “stories” we would like to share. Most of the material is from the Scandinavian region, hence Scandinavian language


Can VidiView contribute to a better workflow in operating rooms?

We met with Sven Brinckmann, nurse and medical technology coordinator at the surgical department in Karlstad. Sven has worked with VidiView for six years and remembers how time-consuming it was to document surgeries in the past. Back then, the image material was saved on DVDs and USB sticks, which resulted in low image quality and inefficient handling.

The introduction of VidiView transformed the department’s operations by enabling the use of a digital image archive, which streamlined workflows and enhanced patient safety.

“The best thing about VidiView is that we only need to “press a button”. The image material is saved in the correct location, and we can continue working with the patient and complete the operation. The digital film material can be reviewed and processed by doctors afterwards, something that contributes to a better workflow for us in the operating department”, says Sven.

The surgical department in Karlstad is one of many successful collaborations we are proud to highlight!

How does VidiView streamline workflow in an operating department?

In this video, Sven Brinckmann, a nurse and medical technology coordinator at the operating department in Karlstad, explains how VidiView improves workflow in the department.

The image material is saved directly in the correct location, allowing staff to continue working with the patient and complete the surgery. The digital video material can later be reviewed by doctors outside the operating room. VidiView makes the workflow in the operating room more efficient.

Length: 0 min, 59 sec

How does VidiView enable safe image management in the operating department?

Sven Brinckmann, a nurse and medical technology coordinator at the operating department in Karlstad, has worked with VidiView for six years and recalls how time-consuming it used to be to document surgeries. At that time, image material was stored on DVDs and USB drives, leading to low image quality and inefficient handling.

When VidiView was introduced to the department, it provided a digital image archive that significantly improved workflow and patient safety.

Length: 1 min, 49 sec

How VidiView replaces three image documentation systems with one in the OR-department

Sven Brinckmann, a nurse and medical technology coordinator at the operating department in Karlstad, explains how their image management has been modernized with VidiView.

When VidiView was introduced to the department, it allowed them to replace the previous inefficient recording systems with a digital image archive, significantly improving workflow and patient safety.

Length: 1 min, 33 sec

Can medical image documentation streamline workflows and enhance patient safety?

We had the opportunity to speak with Malin Wåhlander, a specialist nurse at the Cystoscopy Unit at Central Hospital in Karlstad. With extensive experience in the urology unit since 1997, Malin shares insights in our interview about how technological advancements and the implementation of VidiView have made workflows more efficient and improved patient safety.